Assignment Papers-What were the two basic reasons that the United States, as a new nation and new democracy, embraced Neoclassicism, according to the author?

Assignment Papers-What were the two basic reasons that the United States, as a new nation and new democracy, embraced Neoclassicism, according to the author?

1. a) What were the two basic reasons that the United States, as a new nation and new democracy, embraced


Neoclassicism, according to the author?


b) Which of the “phenomena” of design and history, diagrammed and discussed in class, also helps explain this


shift to Neoclassicism?


2. a) What does the author say the Shakers’ “plain and simple” design aesthetic represents?


b) What Shaker values do you think are being expressed by these characteristics or aspects of their design?


3. Find the passage in the reading that discusses figure 18.41 the Sideboard from the U.S. c.1855.


a) What does the author say was the specific inspiration or model for this type (and style) of furniture?


b) How is it different in its form and expression from the bureau shown in figure 18.34? (Give specifics/general




c) What one, multi-purpose word introduced in class to describe Victorian Era’s approach to design does this


relationship illustrate? How is this one word appropriate here?

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