Assignment Papers-What Feudalism? What was Manorialism?

Assignment Papers-What Feudalism? What was Manorialism?

Influx of the Barbarians into the Western Empire

What was the Edict of Milan?

Who were the Arians and what did they believe?

How did the barbarians (Germanic peoples) enter into the Western Roman Empire?

What was the Justinian Code?

What was the main difference between Sunnis and the Shiites (Shi’a) in early Islam?

What is the role of Muhammad in Islam, and how did early Muslims view Jesus?

Who were the dhimmi?

How did Pepin I seize the Frankish throne for his Carolingian dynasty from the Merovingians, and whose support made this change of power possible?

What Feudalism? What was Manorialism?

How did Charlemagne view his empire in relation to the Roman Empire and Christianity?

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