Assignment Papers-research and analyze the organization and develop a new organizational strategy for the Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center

  Assignment Papers-research and analyze the organization and develop a new organizational strategy for the Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center

Your work with Intravalley Health has been well received. In fact, you have gained a reputation for insightful analysis. Given this, the board chair has asked you to assemble a consulting team to assist another healthcare organization on whose board he also serves – and where his mother receives her routine care.

The task for your team is to research and analyze the organization and develop a new organizational strategy for the Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center.

This strategy will be presented to the Arroyo Fresco board via a written report and a summarizing presentation.

Analysis of a new organizational structure or ownership, if needed, supported by research completed along with examples of the pros and cons.

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