Assignment Papers-Rate Of Return For Stocks And Bonds 

Assignment Papers-Rate Of Return For Stocks And Bonds

Rate Of Return For Stocks And Bonds

Contents Calculations 2 Question 1 2 Question 2 2 Question 3 2 Question 4 3 Question 5 3 Summary 3 Determining the financial value of an asset 4 Investment decisions 4 Financing decisions 5 Dividend policy 5 References 6


Total Return = (Price at the end – Price at the beginning + Dividend received) / Price at the beginning

= ( 125 – 100 + 2) / 100

= 27%

Capital Gain Yield = (Price at the end – Price at the beginning ) / Price at the beginning

= ( 125 – 100) / 100

= 25%

Dividend Yield = Dividend Received / Price at the beginning

= 2 / 100

= 2%

Alternatively it can be calculated by deducting capital gain yield from total yield i.e. 27 – 25 = 2%

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