Assignment Papers-Prepare  income statement projections for the end of the first calendar year of  operations, including charts showing gross revenues, gross profit, and  net income

Assignment Papers-Prepare  income statement projections for the end of the first calendar year of  operations, including charts showing gross revenues, gross profit, and  net income

Estimate  capital requirements, use of capital, start-up requirements (if  applicable), and other probable costs involved in the implementation and  subsequent operation of your project.  12

Identify sources of financing and define a payback period.

Prepare cash flow projections. 

Prepare  a projected balance sheet representing the end of the first calendar  year of operations, and defining assets and liabilities, both current  and long term

Prepare  income statement projections for the end of the first calendar year of  operations, including charts showing gross revenues, gross profit, and  net income

Define the meaning of a breakeven analysis and prepare one to reflect your project.


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