Assignment Papers-Identify a current event or contemporary social issue that you are interested in analyzing using the critical thinking method.

Assignment Papers-Identify a current event or contemporary social issue that you are interested in analyzing using the critical thinking method.

1.Identify a current event or contemporary social issue that you are interested in analyzing using the critical thinking method. Your issue must be broad enough to sustain deep philosophical analysis and must have relevance to your community.

This means that the issue should be one

(1) about which reasonable minds can disagree,

(2) that concretely affects people’s lives and

(3)that requires a solution. Issues that only affect a few people or have only a minor impact are probably too narrow.

Issues that you are not open to examining with an open mind will also not work well for this assignment. For some topic suggestions, you might want to browse some recent episodes of PBS’s Frontline series or the website of a reputable news organization.

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