Assignment Papers-How did Augustus and his early successors maintain their power while pretending the republic still existed?

Assignment Papers-How did Augustus and his early successors maintain their power while pretending the republic still existed?

Why did the Romans have checks and balances, and what sort of offices and councils did they have to create a system of checks and balances?

What was a paterfamilias, and what power did he have over a Roman household?

What powers did roman consuls have, and how many consuls were there?

Why did Augustus and his successors promote the cult of Roma et Augustus?

What were the twelve tables, what was it purpose, and how did help encourage social harmony between plebeians and patricians?

Who were plebeians, and who were patricians?

What city did Rome fight in the Punic Wars, what were the causes of the wars, and what were their outcomes?

How did Augustus and his early successors maintain their power while pretending the republic still existed?

What role did the Peace of the Gods (Pax deorum) play in Roman religion?

Why did the Romans oppose, dislike, and persecute Christians?

How did most of the five good emperors determine imperial succession, and how did Marcus Aurelius differ from the rest of them?

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