Assignment Papers-Explain what details did these people give of the institution of slavery and the practice of slavery and then compare if they were similar or different from each other

Assignment Papers-Explain what details did these people give of the institution of slavery and the practice of slavery and then compare if they were similar or different from each other

Compare and contrast two slave narratives from two different states.

Explain what details did these people give of the institution of slavery and the practice of slavery and then compare if they were similar or different from each other.

The link to where the narratives are:


You must cite at least two sources from the Slave Narrative site.

The paper MUST be typed in Microsoft word using Times New Roman font (12), double spaced, with the preset margins. Your major’s formatting should be used when completing the historical topic paper. Students must submit the historical topic paper no later than Sunday by midnight at the end of week six.

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