Assignment Papers- Explain in a comprehensive way what Albert Nolan means by the title of his book Jesus BeforeChristianity. In relationship to this, delineate what is the new interpretative perspective to which he refers in chapter one of his book.

Assignment Papers- Explain in a comprehensive way what Albert Nolan means by the title of his book Jesus BeforeChristianity. In relationship to this, delineate what is the new interpretative perspective to which he refers in chapter one of his book.

1. Give an organized and through description of Jesus’ unique mission to the poor as delineated by Albert Nolan in Jesus BeforeChristianity. In doing so, state what is the principle suffering of the poor, how sickness was understood, and how forgiveness was mediated by the actions and words of Jesus.

2. Explain in a comprehensive way what Albert Nolan means by the title of his book Jesus BeforeChristianity. In relationship to this, delineate what is the new interpretative perspective to which he refers in chapter one of his book.

Albert Nolan explains the social, religious, and political climate of Jesus’ world in terms of various movements. Delineate four of the major movements of his day and explain what those movements stood for and how they both relate and contrast with the Jesus movement.

4. All evidence points to a definitive, though somewhat mysterious turning point in the life of Jesus. What was the incident? What did it indicate religiously and politically? What happened to Jesus and the disciples after it? And what was Jesus solution to his predicament?

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