Assignment Papers-Explain how an understanding of key cross-cultural issues is important in providing employee motivation and leadership. 

Assignment Papers-Explain how an understanding of key cross-cultural issues is important in providing employee motivation and leadership.

1. Explain how an understanding of key cross-cultural issues is important in providing employee motivation and leadership.

2. Give examples of how different leadership styles may be necessary depending on the specific situation (e.g., nature of the work force, needs of the market).

You may include short quotations from the assigned reading or additional resources to support your responses

3. Describe three or four  challenges you see in achieving an effective work environment, and identify resources needed to achieve balance in a changing workplace.

You may include short quotations from the assigned reading or additional resources to support your response.  Please be succinct.

4. In your own words:

Promotion is one of the Four P’s of the marketing mix (i.e., product, price, promotion, and place).  Discuss promotion and describe the role of marketing in the achievement of business objectives.

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