Assignment Papers-Explain behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and humanism as applied to learning.

Assignment Papers-Explain behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and humanism as applied to learning.

Explain behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and humanism as applied to learning.

Summarizes at least two sub-theories/ideologies within each framework.

Examples include:

From behaviorism

associative learning, classical conditioning, operant Conditioning, conditioning, extinction, and ratio/interval schedules

From cognitivism

schema theory, memory development, elaboration theory (i.e. Bloom’s  taxonomy), cognitive load theory, and social learning/cognitive theory.

From constructivism (conceptions of knowledge are derived from the  process of constructing individual interpretations of one’s experiences)

cognitive constructivism, dialectical (social) constructivism, zone of proximal development, and discovery learning

From humanism

motivational theories of learning (i.e. self-determination theory,  Maslow’s hierarchy of needs), experiential learning, and Steiner  pedagogy or Waldorf education.

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