Assignment Papers-Do you think that the news media is responsible for creating a disproportionately negative view of police officers?

Assignment Papers-Do you think that the news media is responsible for creating a disproportionately negative view of police officers?

Read the article, and in the discussion forum, respond to the following questions. Remember to be persuasive use facts and logic in your response. Identify the sources of information that you use, and try to dig deeper into the issue than simply drawing general conclusions from specific incidents.

What does the article and its source have to say about the way the public views the ethics of police officers as compared to the other professions listed?

Do you think that the news media is responsible for creating a disproportionately negative view of police officers?

Why do you think that people seem to more willing to publicly protest the actions of police officers but not the actions of those who they view, according to the survey that was done, as being significantly less ethical?

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