Assignment Papers-Critique the accuracy of Dr. Strangelove to actual events based on your knowledge of what happened prior to and during the Cold War.

Assignment Papers-Critique the accuracy of Dr. Strangelove to actual events based on your knowledge of what happened prior to and during the Cold War.

Critique the accuracy of Dr. Strangelove to actual events based on your knowledge of what happened prior to and during the Cold War.

Compare events depicted in Dr. Strangelove to how events are depicted in Cold War Conclusion.

Answer the following questions in your critique and comparison:

If what is portrayed in the movie had actually happened, how do you think it would’ve effected the outcome of the Cold War?

How did the actual conclusion of the Cold War affect the relationship between the United States and countries in Europe?

Would this relationship be different if the events depicted in Dr. Strangelove really happened?

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