Assignment Papers-Compare and contrast the portrayal of religion found in this document with that contained in “Description of a Conversion Experience at Cane Ridge, KY” (DocumentTT). How do you account for the diferences?
The Second Great Awakening was one of the most important cubural mouements of the early 19th century. The waves of emotionally charged religious reform were so intense that upstate NewYorb became known as the “Burned-Ouer District.” One oJ the most “Burned-Ouer” areas was Rochester, NewYork. Itcated on lake Ontario, Rochester had been a frontier village before the completion of the Erie Canal. The waterway brought aaess to distant markets anil immediately trunsforned the commu- nity into one of America’s most dynamic cities. But rapid change brought community strcss, as hordes oJ newcomers sought a niche in a community with no frmly estab- Iisheil structures. Charles Grandison Finney’s visit in 1830 would change all of that. A religious experience caused him to leate the legal profession in 1821, and by the mid-1820s, hk uiuid seftnons demanded that sinners in the audience rcpent or face eternal ilamnation. In his memoirs, excerpteil as follows, Finney desnibes the techniques he useil to win conuerts.
What is the authort perspective toward Rochester and its need for conversion?
Why does Charles G. Finney seem so eager to convert Rochester’s lead- ing citizens?
How did the author use social pressure to gain converts?
Compare and contrast the portrayal of religion found in this document with that contained in “Description of a Conversion Experience at Cane Ridge, KY” (DocumentTT). How do you account for the diferences?