Assignment Papers-Come up with at least one completely original idea that could be use to improve your selected interest groups efforts.

Assignment Papers-Come up with at least one completely original idea that could be use to improve your selected interest groups efforts.

  1. Look up your selected interest group on social media. What is good about their social media presence? What could be improved about their social media presence?
  2. Look up your selected interest group on OpenSecrets or the Federal Elections Commission website and discuss your findings. How much money does your interest group have? What is that money being spent on? In your opinion, are they using their money effectively? How could they spend their money to better accomplish their goals?
  3. Come up with at least one completely original idea that could be use to improve your selected interest groups efforts. Describe this idea in detail. What specific goal would this idea seek to accomplish? What types of resources would this idea need. How would this idea improve the organization’s efforts to achieve its mission.
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