Assignment Papers-Based on your research of the      strengths and limitations, again reflect on whether or not you would      support hormone replacement therapy.

Assignment Papers-Based on your research of the      strengths and limitations, again reflect on whether or not you would      support hormone replacement therapy.

As an advanced practice nurse at a      community health clinic, you often treat female (and sometimes male      patients) with hormone deficiencies. One of your patients requests that      you prescribe supplemental hormones. This poses the questions: How will      you determine what kind of treatment to suggest? What patient factors      should you consider? Are supplemental hormones the best option for the      patient, or would they benefit from alternative treatments?

To prepare:

Review Chapter 56 of the Arcangelo      and Peterson text, as well as the Holloway and Makinen and Huhtaniemi      articles in the Learning Resources.

Review the provided scenario and      reflect on whether or not you would support hormone replacement therapy.

Locate and review additional articles      about research on hormone replacement therapy for women and/or men.      Consider the strengths and limitations of hormone replacement therapy.

Based on your research of the      strengths and limitations, again reflect on whether or not you would      support hormone replacement therapy.

Consider whether you would prescribe      supplemental hormones or recommend alternative treatments to patients with      hormone deficiencies.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post a description of the strengths and limitations of hormone replacement therapy. Based on these strengths and limitations, explain why you would or why you would not support hormone replacement therapy. Explain whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones or recommend alternative treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies and why.

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