Assignment Papers-Are gender issues still a problem in modern America

Assignment Papers-Are gender issues still a problem in modern America

Are gender issues still a problem in modern America?”

In your essay, you must incorporate direct quotations from at least five of the following essays from They Say/I Say. Failure to meet this requirement will result in a “D” for the assignment.

“What’s Gender Got to Do With It?”:

“Lean In: What would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?” (Sandberg)

“Dig Deep: Beyond Lean In” (Hooks)

“Why Women Still Can’t Have It All” (Slaughter)

“Why Men Still Can’t Have It All” (Dorment)

“What About Gender Roles in Same-Sex Relationships?” (Mays)

“Facebook Multiplies Genders but Offers Users the Same Three Tired Pronouns” (Baron)

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