Assignment Papers-Analyze pertinent facts of business client cases by effectively employing foundational law principles 

Assignment Papers-Analyze pertinent facts of business client cases by effectively employing foundational law principles

You will assume the role of an intern at the legal department at one of the two companies in the scenario (Greene or Howell) and compile a 10-page memo for your supervisor, which will be used to formulate an official executive brief of the lawsuits. Your findings and critical assessment of the cases will help shape the approach of corporate stakeholders to the legal matters raised, including each company’s response to each situation.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

· Assess the impact of business law on organizational decision making for informing strategic legal decisions

· Analyze pertinent facts of business client cases by effectively employing foundational law principles 

· Select key legislation and legal precedents that impact client cases for informing legal decisions 

· Assess the impact of public perception on companies in legal situations for informing business practices

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