Assignment Paper Help on Communication, Media, & Society -Critical Inquiry Presentation COM 200:

Assignment Paper Help on Communication, Media, & Society -Critical Inquiry Presentation COM 200:

Assignment Guidelines: Critical Inquiry Presentation
COM 200: Communication, Media & Society
Instructor: Montiana Ashour
Percentage of total grade: 20%
General Outline
Part of the course requirements is to give a group presentation (of two students).
Each group will select a topic covered in the course. The presentation should be for
a maximum of 10 minutes, after which 2 minutes will be dedicated for instructor and
class questions. Each student should present to class. This assignment is designed
to expand both your research and critical thinking skills and to practice giving
succinct and strong presentations. It also allows you to deepen your knowledge of
a media topic of interest to you. This assignment also requires you to think about
your audience and how you can present your information in both an intelligible and
engaging manner.
*After this assignment is discussed in class, I will not entertain questions like
“What’s the assignment about because I was absent”, “I was not in class and I
want you to explain the assignment for me”. Office hours are for students who
come to class, start working on their assignments and want to show me their
work as they progress for feedback.
a) Go through the topics and papers that I will email you carefully, and decide
on your topic and paper of interest.
b) Go to Blackboard and look at the sign-up sheet for groups that are by paper
titles. Sign up for one of the groups (which means you are also signing up for
which paper you will present on).
c) Begin your in-depth research by reading the article you selected (the paper
details will be found inside your respective group folder). Identify 1 point that
you want to critically discuss from this article. This requires you to be
focused, have a clear research perspective in which you connect this point
that you identify to some form of social, cultural or political setting, again,
through well-reasoned argument (not phrases like “I don’t like it”, “It’s fun
and I enjoyed it”, it’s boring and not professional”, “it’s just entertainment”,
“it’s just a movie” this is not critical discussion of the media).
d) So how? You will need to connect existing ideas in a valid manner. It could
be through comparing newspaper articles, photographic images, short
video/audio clips, or only one of these platforms. This connection should
allow you to reflect on your chosen point. Remember it is a 10 minutes
presentation so if you show us a 10 minutes video for your presentation that
simply means you have not done a presentation. (Take notes of the example I
will present to you now)
e) Prepare your presentation according to the above points and provide a
reference page as your last page in the presentation (Chicago or APA style is
acceptable). Score will also go into how pleasant and neat your presentation
is. It should not be random, busy or looking disorganized.
f) Your presentation date and any other specific instructions will be added in
your group folder (date range is already in your syllabus).
Your presentation date and any other specific instructions in your group folder
are final and will not be changed unless there is a medical emergency. An
example of medical emergency is going into labor or undergoing surgery, not
cold, fever, headache or body pain. You will have to provide a medical
certificate that explains your urgent medical procedure otherwise you will
receive a zero for the presentation even if your team partner presents (team
partners will not be affected and will receive their own grades). You will not
get a second chance to present and there will be no discussions to reschedule
your presentations if you miss them.
Your presentation will be submitted through SafeAssign in Blackboard one day
before the date set for you (11:59PM). This means that your presentation must
be less than 10MB or else it will not go through SafeAssign. Your presentation
must go through SafeAssign and an originality report must be issued or you
will not receive a grade for your presentation even if you do present the next
The rubric used for evaluation will be found on Blackboard and it will be used to
grade your presentation. If you have any questions, please ask during class or come
and see me during my office hours. I am happy to give you feedback so that you
can improve on any assignment BEFORE you hand it in.
The examples that I will discuss in class are not for you to use. DO NOT copy or
replicate this topic/discussion or the material used, these are made to give you a
better idea of how to approach this presentation. Copying, replicating or any other
form of imitation of the example will negatively affect your grade for this
Example on how to approach your presentation:
**please note that your work would include more written discussion
in the presentation itself, mine (below) is a verbal example for you
in class, so most of my discussion was “spoken” and not “written”.
Yours would be spoken (presented to us) and also written inside
your presentation.
You’ve Come A Long Way Baby: Women’s New Media Practices,
Empowerment, and Everyday Life in Kuwait and the Middle East
Discussion point
Taken from article..
Present/Introduce your critical perspective
Wadjda: Saudi film by the first female Saudi filmmaker contributes to a
broader platform of cultural change for Saudi women. This observation
that was introduced by the article’s author marks two different ideas
that are worthy of mention: there is an evident change in the country’s
policies toward cultural economy and artistic practices, however, there
is also the concern that definitions of women empowerment in the
Middle East are continuously marked against a western standard (B.
Ash, 2018).

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