Assignment Help:What can people do to decrease the impact of the activity/product on the environment?

Assignment Help:What can people do to decrease the impact of the activity/product on the environment?

After learning about several ways in which our everyday actions impact

climate change, choose one action to conduct more research on, and

create slides to tell us more. Use the unit material and reliable

resources online to gather more information.

Think about what you do every day and how the activity uses energy or natural resources. Alternatively, think about a product you buy (e.g., how it was made, what natural resources were used to make it). You could also perform a quick Google search of “everyday activities that affect the environment,” and start reading some articles for more ideas!

  1. What everyday activity or product have you chosen to present? Why did you choose this activity or product? (Why is it important?)
  2. Connect the activity/product to its impact on the environment and climate change. (How does doing the activity or making the product use natural resources, disrupt habitat, and/or impact wildlife?)
  3. Report data and statistics (with references) on how this activity/product affects the environment. (Support #2 with data and statistics).
  4. What can people do to decrease the impact of the activity/product on the environment?
  5. Are there any organizations actively engaged in the promotion or research of your chosen activity or product? If so, list them, and briefly describe their actions. If not, describe why you think that is and if you see opportunities to become involved in this area.
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