Assignment Help:Rapid assessment procedures

Assignment Help:Rapid assessment procedures 

Rapid assessment procedures (RAPs) developed from the urgency of certain problems requiring the rapid collection of information directly related to policy solutions (Ervin, 2005). The needs of these Native communities and the effect that the pipeline could have on them can be examined through a series of questions asked to various effected households. Their cultural beliefs and livelihood methods are at risk if the plans of the pipeline follow through. The following questions developed with the RAPs methods can be asked to better understand the impact and find solutions to the conflict:

If you were offered a temporary construction job, working on the proposed pipeline, would you accept the offer?Would the establishment of this pipeline prevent you or people you know from accessing your trapping grounds?What do you believe are the potential negative effects that the pipeline could have on the surrounding environment?What do you believe are the potential positive effects that the pipeline could have on the surrounding environment?What do you believe are the potential negative effects of the pipeline could have on you and your family’s health?What do you believe are the potential positive effects that the pipeline could have on you and your family’s health?Do you believe that the establishment of this pipeline has any potential benefits to your culture, such as tourism created by the construction of a road?Do you feel like the construction of the pipeline will only hinder your culture’s prosperity?

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