Assignment Help:Explain major components of the judiciary-Interpret how the First Amendment is applied 

Assignment Help:Explain major components of the judiciary-Interpret how the First Amendment is applied

Explain the major components of judiciary
Complete a case brief on one of the court cases pertaining to libel or privacy that has set precedent for media and communications. 
3. Conclude with a 1-2 page discussion of the following:Interpret how the First Amendment is applied
Reflect on whether the majority opinion or ruling of this case has served citizens in a positive or a negative way.

part 2

  • As you view the following video, think about the scope of the disasters – they are far beyond the individual just littering.
  • think about the reading and the laws that are discussed, and how they may impact the company, environment, and business practices in general.


  • You are a business owner who is environmentally aware, and thus you use the local river to help generate some electricity for your small business. You are doing well using this method of energy generation, but you begin to notice that over time the river seems to be flowing more slowly, and that is causing you to have sporadic losses of power. Upon inspection, you notice the river does seem a bit slower, seem to have more debris in it, and now has a funny smell. What are some legal concepts you will need to know to understand your rights? You want to do something, but are not sure what. Then, you remember your business law textbook. What are some of the legal issues and concepts you will need to know to mount a legal fight? Be sure to support your response.
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