Assignment Help:Encryption and Hashing Algorithms: Tools and Commands

Assignment Help:Encryption and Hashing Algorithms: Tools and Commands

Encryption and Hashing Algorithms: Tools and Commands

The CIA and FBI have been working as a joint task force to unearth the meaning behind a vast amount of intercepted digital communiqué between two known operatives, believed to be spies. They have recruited your company to assist with the decryption of these messages.

Before starting on this mission, both national organizations want to verify your ability to identify hash and encryptions standards. Answer the following questions, providing specific details for each topic:

Explain how to identify the type of hash, identifying a tool that can integrate with Linux and Windows so desktop users are able to verify hash values. Specify any online tools.

Describe the difference between RSA and ECDSA encryption algorithms and name a well-known product that uses each type of encryption. Be sure to cite your references.

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