Assignment Help:Describe the TCP/IP address maintenance process planned for the system.

Assignment Help:Describe the TCP/IP address maintenance process planned for the system.

The Network Improvement Plan must consider many aspects of network  configuration and design. One of the important areas of network  configuration is transmission control protocol/Internet protocol  (TCP/IP) addressing and management. Proper configuration and management  processes are required to operate the network efficiently and avoid  excess work in the reconfiguration of the system as the network  requirements change and the system grows.

  • Update the Network Improvement Plan document title page with the new date.
  • Update the previously completed sections based on the instructor’s feedback.
  • TCP/IP Addressing and Management
    • Document an addressing scheme for the TCP/IP addresses used for the network.
    • Include categories of network resources, users, and the address  ranges to be used for the current and potential future resources and  users.
    • Provide justification for the addressing scheme.
    • Describe the TCP/IP address maintenance process planned for the  system. Maintenance should include assignment of new addresses and a  periodic review of currently assigned addresses.
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