Assignment Help:Actions you might take as a security director of a cadre of private policing personnel seeking to alleviate any potential issue when establishing private/public partnership arrangements.

Assignment Help:Actions you might take as a security director of a cadre of private policing personnel seeking to alleviate any potential issue when establishing private/public partnership arrangements.

In “Managing the Boundary Between Public and Private Policing,” the author provides the class with yet another opportunity, at least for the purposes of the document, to define private policing, identify the providers of private policing, and to take another look at the significant issues and concerns related to using private security operatives for policing activities from a public policing perspective.

While the concerns in the United States “have never been sufficient to make any serious dent in the general enthusiasm for commercial private security,” the discussion is primarily directed at police executives and their assessment of the risks/benefits associated with private partnerships (Sparrow, 2014, p. 7.). Nevertheless, the discussion also has implications for private security operatives.

Based on your understanding of that discussion and any other independent research you have completed this week, discuss the major “concerns” expressed in the paper and the actions you might take as a security director of a cadre of private policing personnel seeking to alleviate any potential issue when establishing private/public partnership arrangements.


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