Assignment Help-women at the nursing home

Assignment Help-women at the nursing home

I come from Kuwait where mother’s day is usually on 21st march each year. all Kuwaiti Students at the WVU decided to visit the Sundale Nursing home to present some gifts to the women there and have talk time with them. This move aims at showing unconditional love to the women at the nursing home so that they feel they are still important people in the society even when they are receiving medical care. Sundale Nursing Home is a place for elderly people who are injured or need care. The patients at Sundale Nursing Home need people to visit them and talk to them about anything good so that they feel loved and appreciated even when they are in a nursing care unit. I wish to have a special time and talk to Vincent DelaGarza, who is a medical director associate at WVU. But I coulnd’t because he wasn’t available. I Spoke with one if the nurses and asked her few questions. Her name was Dayan She said that some of the patients are able to walk and do their own things without any help from the nurses and they sometimes help them take care of other patients .Also Dayan said that each floor they have enough nurses to take care of the patients they never feel like they need more help for the patients. Also Dayan said that they have a schedule full of activates for each day, the day we went to Sundale it was Bingo day we played Bingo with them and we talked to them about so many things. Barbra her nick name is Barbie was one of the patients who told us a lot about her and how she like seeing people and she would love to have people visiting her and talking to her and her friends . This is the main reason I wish to interview Dr. Vincent so that he explains to me vividly about what goes on and what it takes for a person to provide services to the elderly such that they are satisfied. It was a great event and great experience. Dayan encouraged me and my group to come and visit them show them love and support talk to them because they need people to talk to

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