Assignment Help-Which 3 foods contributed the most calories to your diet? Was your calorie intake within 150 calories of the calorie level recommended by the diet analysis program Summarize the relationship between the calories you consumed and your activity calories

Assignment Help-Which 3 foods contributed the most calories to your diet? Was your calorie intake within 150 calories of the calorie level recommended by the diet analysis program Summarize the relationship between the calories you consumed and your activity calories

Which 3 foods contributed the most calories to your diet?

Was your calorie intake within 150 calories of the calorie level recommended by the diet analysis program

Summarize the relationship between the calories you consumed and your activity calories

Does at least 25 to 50% of the vitamin A in the product come from beta-carotene or another provitamin A carotenoids (to reduce the risk of vitamin A toxicity)?

Are there any warnings on the label for individuals who should not consume this product?

. Are there any other signs that tip you off that this product may be more harmful than healthful?

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