Assignment Help-What types of issues have you experienced yourself when working in teams? What kinds of problems do you foresee while working in a virtual team?

Assignment Help-What types of issues have you experienced yourself when working in teams? What kinds of problems do you foresee while working in a virtual team?

  1. What types of issues have you experienced yourself when working in teams? What kinds of problems do you foresee while working in a virtual team?


  1. (Thinking about the second part of question 1) Would these potentially be the same problems faced working within a traditional face-to-face group? Explain.


  1. Do you agree with the authors, that in dealing with virtual teams and the technical design of collaborative systems, that limited attention has been paid to the importance of social relationships when it comes to teams? Explain.


  1. The article describes several factors for success related to the input stage, process stage and output stage. Is there a factor listed that you disagree with? If you agree with all of them, which one do you agree with the strongest? Explain your answer.
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