Assignment Help- What is an electric motor? Explain its operation

Assignment Help- What is an electric motor? Explain its operation

How is electric potential energy similar to gravitational potential energy?  How is it different?  Where will an electron bound in an atom and have the largest electrical potential energy?

What is a transformer?  Explain how a transformer works including specific details on step up and step down transformers.

different measurements that helped to calculate the speed of light.  There are 3 specific experiments mentioned in your textbook.

What caused magnetic fields?  What happens If you keep breaking a magnet in two until you reach a single atom?

What is an electric motor?  Explain its operation.

State Hooke’s law.  A spring will stretch 12 cm when a 250-g mass is hung on it.  If the 250-g mass is hung on two identical springs, hung sided by side, and both support the 250-g mass, how much will each spring stretch.  EXPLAIN.

Use 4 to 5 complete sentences, explain the concepts of beats and how beats are produces.  Please provide at least 2 examples.

Why do atoms have relatively the same size even though they may have widely different masses?

What is the period of a soundwave whose wavelength is 20.0 m?  Use values from the book and show ALL of your work.

A 60-V potential different is applied across a parallel combination of a 10-ohm and 20-ohm resistor.  What is the current in the 10-ohm resistor?  Show your work.

What is the power dissipated by a toaster that has a resistance of 60 ohms and is plugged into a 120-V outlet? Show your work.

A step up transformer has 250 turns on its primary and 500 turns on it secondary.  When the primary is connected to a 200 V and the secondary is connected to a floodlight that draws 5A, what is the power output?  Please show ALL of your work.

What is the mass of air in a room that has dimensions of 10m x 20m x 4 m?  Use values from the book to show your work.

About how much pressure do the feet of a 6000-kg elephant exert on the ground?  Assume each foot has an area of 0.10 square meter.  Please show all your work.

The temperature of an object is raised by 90oC. This is equivalent to what increase in its absolute temperature?

A supersonic aircraft produces a shock wave that describes a 30o angle. What happens to the angle of the cone as the aircraft travels faster?

A 2.0-ohm resistor is connected in a series with a 20.0 -V battery and a three-branch parallel network with branches whose resistance are 8.0 ohms each.  Ignoring the battery’s internal resistance, what is the current in the batter?  Show your work.

Gas A is composed of diatomic molecules (two atoms to a molecule) of a pure element.  Gas B is composed of monoatomic molecules (one atom to a molecule) of another pure element.  Gas A has three times the mass of an equal volume of gas B at the same temperature and pressure.  How do the atomic masses of elements A and B compare?

Consider a model steel bridge that is 1/100 the exact scale of the real bridge that is to be built.

If the model bridge weighs 50 N, what will the real bridge weigh?

If the model bridge does not appear to sag under its own weight, is this evidence the real bridge, built exactly to scale, will not appear to sag either?


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