Assignment Help-What does autonomy mean for toddlers?  Why do toddlers resist and test adults?  What should be the response of the adults? What is one of the most difficult things for toddlers?

Assignment Help-What does autonomy mean for toddlers?  Why do toddlers resist and test adults?  What should be the response of the adults? What is one of the most difficult things for toddlers?

1.  What does autonomy mean for toddlers?

2.  Why do toddlers resist and test adults?  What should be the response of the adults?

3.  What is one of the most difficult things for toddlers?

4.  How do toddlers view the world?

5.  List eleven (11) social abilities that develop between ages fourteen and twenty-four months.

6.  Define empathy. 

7.  What does fear have to do with a toddler’s emotional responsiveness?

8.  What should a teacher take into account when providing positive guidance for toddlers?

9.  Pick three (3) suggestions for fostering autonomy, and explain how you can use the suggestions in your classroom.

10.  Give six (6) ways a caregiver can support autonomy.

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