Assignment Help-What are you actions and behaviors when controversy and conflict surface

Assignment Help-What are you actions and behaviors when controversy and conflict surface

What are your thoughts about trust in groups?Do you trust easily or is it more difficult for you to trust?What do you need in a group in order to trust others?What has been your experience with trust in groups (describe at least two experiences)?

Pick two different types of groups that you are involved in on a regular basis.How do they function?What are the qualities of these groups?What needs to be improved?Set at least one personal improvement goal for each group, and describe how you will measure your outcome.

In order to function as an effective group member, what basic factors need to be in place? How do you help a group?How do you hinder a group?How does your style of communication, leadership and decision making affect most groups?Does theory matter? How would you evaluate effectiveness?

Describe your use of power.How does your power affect others?How would you handle anger in a group?What are you actions and behaviors when controversy and conflict surface?What creative strategies do you employ to resolve conflict with others?

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