Assignment Help-The Musician as Leader

Assignment Help-The Musician as Leader

Go to YouTube and watch a videoclip of jazz musician Gerald Wilson. You can view the video embedded below, but are encouraged to view a few others available online.

FranklyJazzTV. (Apr 5, 2009). Gerald Wilson ‘Milestones’ on Frankly Jazz. Youtube.

Then read the interview with this prolific musical artist below and answer the questions.

WBGO 88.3FM. (May 17, 2004). Gerald Wilson. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

  1. In what ways is Wilson a leader? Which of the four components of Northouse’s definition of leadership apply to Wilson?
  2. How was he shaped by his times?
  3. What career experiences contributed to his growth as an artist?
  4. In what ways is he an innovator?
  5. What unique skills does he have?
  6. How does he inspire others?
  7. What influence does musical leadership have on our society as a whole?
  8. Can you think of any other influential musicians?
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