Assignment Help- Should people who run for public office be compelled to release their income-tax records and medical records? Why or why not?

Assignment Help- Should people who run for public office be compelled to release their income-tax records and medical records? Why or why not?

Should people who run for public office be compelled to release their income-tax records and medical records? Why or why not?

In a prior discussion board, we discussed individual responsibility in a democracy. What do you think are the social responsibilities of a democracy? Why?

A continuing problem for interest groups is the free-rider problem. A free rider is one who enjoys the benefits of a group but does not join it. An example is a worker who does not join a labor union but still receives the union-negotiated wages, benefits, and vacations. Unions, of course, want anyone who receives the benefits to belong to the organization. (This is called a closed shop.) Many states have passed right-to-work laws that forbid a closed shop. Should people who enjoy the benefits of a union be required to join? Can a union be effective if people are not required to join?

How representative is Congress? Most legislators are white, upper-middle-class males, although this group is a very small part of our entire population. What impact does this skewed representation have in terms of liberty, equality, and democracy? Can these people really represent women, minorities, and poor citizens?

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