Assignment Help-Sесurity аnd рrivасy issuеs in сlоud соmрuting

Assignment Help-Sесurity аnd рrivасy issuеs in сlоud соmрuting

Provide your research report on the chosen topic with brief supportive descriptions about the challenges, problems, relevant technologies, applications of the technologies, clarification on vague areas and research questions.

Identify any important issue/s. Discuss why you view this issue/these issues as important.

 Discuss the impact of the above mentioned issues and their application/impact in the real world.

The main topic is “Security and privacy issues in cloud computing” and sub topics/focus areas are:

Cloud Security considerations – (a general overview and a bit more technical focused)
Data Sovereignty in the cloud
The current Australian Privacy Act
The Australian Mandatory Breach Notification Legislation
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

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