Assignment Help-Rеflесtivе rероrt оn Соnfirmаtiоn

Assignment Help-Rеflесtivе rероrt оn Соnfirmаtiоn

In reflecting on the specified sacrament/celebration, the report should address the following questions:

What is the purpose of the sacrament/celebration(e.g.,in the context of the relationship between God and humans

What did you learn about the theology of the sacrament/celebration from preparing and enacting the ritual (e.g., from the liturgical actions, sequence, structure, symbols, gestures, content and types of prayer texts, etc.)?

What skills did you learn in preparing the liturgy, where did you find the information and resources required to prepare the celebration, were there any unexpected challenges, and what will you do similarly/differently next time you have to plan a liturgy?

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