Assignment Help-parental involvement.

Assignment Help-parental involvement.

Adam is a fifth-grader diagnosed with a learning disability who   receives instruction for all core subjects in the resource room with   the special education teacher.  He resides with his elderly   grandparents who have full custody of him, while his older sister who   was born with severe complications from fetal alcohol syndrome resides   in a facility where she receives around-the-clock care. Adam does not   have any contact with his biological mother and never knew his   biological father.

His grandparents are the only caregivers he has   ever known and they are overwhelmed and feel unprepared to adequately   address Adam’s increased oppositional behaviors and lack of   academic progress. They are reluctant to meet with any school   personnel as they feel the school should take care of school matters   while they take care of the home matters.

Describe five items from the scenario affecting the level of     parental involvement.

For every item in column 1, describe     the ideal level of parental involvement.

Specify     strategies and actions to be implemented to achieve the ideal level     of parental involvement described in column 2.

Identify     technologies to be implemented in connection with column 3.

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