Assignment Help Online-Developing a Strategic Plan for Your Coffee Shop

Assignment Help Online-Developing a Strategic Plan for Your Coffee Shop

Assignment 1


You own a coffee shop. It is located near a business precinct and you have regular customers from the surrounding businesses and occasional passers by. You have a standard espresso coffee machine and refrigerated counter display unit for selling confectionery and other pre-made food items. You do not have a kitchen approved for food preparation. The coffee shop is mainly operated from 8:00 am to 5:00pm, and is staffed with one manager who also acts as the barrister and two waiter/customer service staff.

You are not satisfied with this business and you see potential for significantly growing this business. You are particularly a technology oriented person and see opportunities for using technology to grow your business. Your desire to expand and grow your business is partly driven from your customer continually providing you positive feedback about the unique brand of coffee you use and the quality of the beverage you produce and the service your staff provide. This has got you thinking and at times awake at night. You want to make a comprehensive strategy and plan for growth.


Develop and submit a Strategic Plan for your coffee shop, by following these steps:

  1. Develop and express a vision statement for your business. Be inspiring. (1 Marks)
  2. Develop and express your mission statement. There are many ways to achieve your vision. Visualise what your business is going to look like 4 or 5 years from now after achieving your vision. (2 Marks)
  3. Complete a Business Model Canvas for (a) your current state and (b) your future state. (8 Marks)
  4. Complete a Value Chain Analysis to identify opportunities in your value chain to utilise technology to achieve your strategy. (8 Marks)
  5. Summarise your report in a diagram representing the implementation of your strategic plan over 5 years. (2 Marks)
  6. Write s one page reflection on the impact of your strategies on the environment and society. Discuss how you plan to mitigate your negative impacts on the environment and the society. Identify opportunities for having positive impact as well. (3 Marks)
  7. Write up the above in a coherent report clearly stating your assumptions and justification of your decisions. (6 Marks).


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