Assignment Help: One type of authority is, which is the exercise of power based on an exceptional person who inspires loyalty among their followers, such as Adolf Hitler or Mahatma Gandhi.

Assignment Help: One type of authority is, which is the exercise of power based on an exceptional person who inspires loyalty among their followers, such as Adolf Hitler or Mahatma Gandhi.

1. In political sociology, the ability to influence or control the behavior of people and institutions is known as.

2. An institution which has a monopoly on the legitimate use of violence in some particular territory is known as the.

3. A form of government in which an individual has seized power, usually through a military coup, is a type of government known as.

4. One type of government is, which is a form of government in which a small group of people holds power, such as the one-party rule in the Chinese government today.

5. A form of government in which leaders are elected by a voting process, such as how the American president is chosen, is a type of government known as.

6. One type of government is where kings, queens, and princes typically rule a society with absolute power based on birthright and an inherited right to the throne.

7. One type of authority is, which is the exercise of power based on an exceptional person who inspires loyalty among their followers, such as Adolf Hitler or Mahatma Gandhi.



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