Assignment Help: Minimal risk can be termed as the magnitude and chance of any harm be it physical or psychological, that is anticipated in the process of research

Discuss the following

Any research carried out involves certain elements of risk towards the participants and every researcher must develop some base assumptions regarding the minimum risk to the participants of their study. Minimal risk can be termed as the magnitude and chance of any harm be it physical or psychological, that is anticipated in the process of research, that do not exceed in and of themselves, the risks that are encountered ordinarily in the daily life of the participant(Walden University, 2014). Some of the basic ethical considerations assumed when dealing with research participants include informed consent that ensures the participants knowingly, intelligently and willingly, in a clear manifest manner offers their consent. Other considerations include beneficence that requires the researcher to be of benefit and not to harm the participants, respect for confidentiality and anonymity of the participants, respect for privacy and ultimately the consideration of vulnerable groups of people.

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