Assignment Help-In a democracy, like that of the USA, what do you think are one’s individual responsibilities? Why? 

Assignment Help-In a democracy, like that of the USA, what do you think are one’s individual responsibilities? Why?

The term equality has several dimensions: political, social, and economic. Which do you think is the most important and why?

The diversity of state laws and procedures creates situations that may seem unfair to many citizens. For example, felony conviction rates can lead to different prison sentences in various states. In addition, some state legislatures invest more in public education than others. Should federal officials exercise more power to require greater uniformity in policy among the states? Why or why not?

How much free speech should be allowed in the United States? Should we allow the following individuals to give a speech on this campus: a Caucasian racist, a neo-Nazi, and an African American racist? Why or why not?

In a democracy, like that of the USA, what do you think are one’s individual responsibilities? Why?

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