Assignment Help-igneous, sedimentary, metamorphi

Assignment Help-igneous, sedimentary, metamorphi

A. Locate a rock and/or an area on earth with a specific type of rock (can be any type – igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic). This can be a rock you have in your possession that you’ve always wanted to learn more about, it can be a place you’ve been to or wanted to visit (such as the Sierra Nevada or the white cliffs of Dover), or simply a rock or rock area you found online.

Include, using complete sentences:

The name of the rock sample, its composition (i.e. what minerals is it made out of), and the type of rock it is (i.e. igneous, metamorphic or sedimentary)

Where it is located (i.e. where is it commonly found on earth?)

How it formed

What do we use it for? Or what can it be used for?

Any other interesting, relevant information you find in your research.

An image/picture of your rock sample

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