Assignment Help-Glоbаl Suррly Сhаin Маnаgеmеnt аnd Lоgistiсs

Assignment Help-Glоbаl Suррly Сhаin Маnаgеmеnt аnd Lоgistiсs

Research an organisation, map and describe their global supply chain, both upstream and downstream.

The chosen organisation should be (Qatar airways)

Identify and critically evaluate the key relationships in the supply chain, how the relationships are managed, and the consequential impacts on performance.

Identify and critically evaluate the current supply chain management strategies and practices of your chosen organisation and the impact on the performance of the organisation.

Students are required to use a range of theoretical materials, industry/sector/markets and company information to critically evaluate the supply chain management practices of the organisation.

Identify and justify a number of supply chain management practices that would enable the organisation to improve its performance.

writer are required to identify a number of theoretical and industry supply chain management and improvement practices that would enable the chosen organisation to elevate its performance. The practices (or strategies) identified should overall address the three pillars of sustainability – economic, social and environmental. A minimum of 5 practices or strategies are required. This question is basically about finding additional practices from literature which the chosen organisation is not currently using. In essence, the practices identified should be different from the practices identified in question 3.

Applying theoretical methods, select the most appropriate set of supply chain management practices and demonstrate why they are the most appropriate to enable the organisation to improve its overall performance.

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