Assignment Help-explains the purpose of the interviews, describes who was interviewed (estimated age, relationship to you) and under what conditions (i.e., at work, at home, in public place such as the grocery store, while watching your child’s soccer game).

Assignment Help-explains the purpose of the interviews, describes who was interviewed (estimated age, relationship to you) and under what conditions (i.e., at work, at home, in public place such as the grocery store, while watching your child’s soccer game).

An introduction that explains the purpose of the interviews, describes who was interviewed (estimated age, relationship to you) and under what conditions (i.e., at work, at home, in public place such as the grocery store, while watching your child’s soccer game).

A detailed summary of each interview with generous quotes from the respondent. DO NOT just include the script of the questions asked and responses given.

Two separate paragraphs that apply a theory of deviance to explain each respondent’s ideas about the causes of deviance and how it can be prevented. You may find that the same theory explains both respondents’ views, but you will still need to apply the theory to the detailed responses of each respondent in a separate paragraph.

A conclusion that summarizes what you learned from the interview process and briefly explains how your views about rule-breaking and its prevention align with those of your respondents.

You must download and follow the Professional Interview Protocol document.   (document attached)That Protocol requires that you schedule each interview for a specific date and time, that you record and submit your interview notes, and that you do not interview relatives or friends for this Assignment.


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