Assignment Help-Examine the extent to which the kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai contributed to the development of West African and African- American history

Assignment Help-Examine the extent to which the kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai contributed to the development of West African and African- American history

Watch the video titled “THE Middle Passage Documentary by Steven Spielberg” (46 min 32 s). Be prepared to discuss. Video source: YouTube. (2013, November 2).

In responding to this week’s questions students need to keep in mind that these are “mini essays” more than “discussions”. This is the only opportunity that students will have to demonstrate their command of the topics under discussion, so every student should make these responses count. This applies to the classmate response as well.

examine the extent to which the kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai contributed to the development of West African and African- American history. Support your response with two (2) examples of the cultural patterns of West African kingdoms that have reproduced themselves in America.

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