Assignment Help: Evaluate the potential impact of the updated facility and new therapy services on potential improvements in patient satisfaction and developing new marketing share.

Assignment Help: Evaluate the potential impact of the updated facility and new therapy services on potential improvements in patient satisfaction and developing new marketing share.\

The first step is for you to analyze and research the changing community and develop a marketing proposal for your boss, the director of development, on how to best connect with the community of Sunny Beach and increase referrals from the new hospital.

For this task, develop a summary marketing proposal on the above scenario that includes the following elements:

  • Evaluate the potential impact of the updated facility and new therapy services on potential improvements in patient satisfaction and developing new marketing share.
  • Assess possible methods to build rapport within Sunny Beach and surrounding      communities.
  • Develop      a plan for communicating with the community better through social media by      connecting Sunny Manor to the residents of Sunny Beach through digital      marketing.
  • Provide      details on how ongoing research into the community will help Sunny Manor      stay ahead of the competition and well connected with community. Consider      concepts in monitoring the changing demographics of the community and      growing health care sector.
  • Propose      a research design model including all the key elements of the research      design. Apply an assessment tool and implementation plan such as the Model      for Improvement (Plan-Do-Study-Act [PDSA]).
  • Conclude      with recommending models and/or tools that will be used to evaluate the      effectiveness of the development teams’ efforts on an ongoing basis .

The body of the resultant report should be 7–10 pages and include at least 7 relevant peer-reviewed academic or professional references published within the past 5years. 

Must follow the following Details


IP ASSIGNMENT — No Abstract, Table of Content are required

CRITICAL. Use HEADINGS in every IP paper to separate discussions. Here is an example 1st paper.

  • Introduction
  • 5      Contemporary best practices
  • Loyalty      Repeat Customers
  • Develop and      Defend 4 recommendations
  • Initial      Training Plan for the Company
  • Conclusion

Paper needs to be organized and written by EACH bullet point – address each point methodically (6 bullet points this week’s IP 4) Do Not Change The Wording – or make your own heading words – use those words from each bullet point in EVERY assignment. Don’t lose (- 7poins) if it is not set up showing the above headings.

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