Assignment Help: Discuss the significance of one of the major Jewish festivals.
Both Hinduism and Buddhism involve an element of Liberation.
Discuss the differences between Hinduism and Buddhism in terms of 1) what it is that the individual is being liberated from, and 2) how that liberation is achieved. Use your best writing and be sure to respond to another students post. You should have a minimum of 100 words for your initial post
Discussion 2
Discuss the difference in focus between Confucianism and Taoism. One is social and the other is interested in immortality. Are these complementary or conflicting? Are there components of your own belief system that may agree with both of these emphases? 100 words
Discussion 3
Discuss the significance of one of the major Jewish festivals. What do you find meaningful about it? In what way does it support the Jewish way of life? 100 words