Assignment Help-Describe three of the social issues mentioned and explain how they interfere with teaching and learning.

Assignment Help-Describe three of the social issues mentioned and explain how they interfere with teaching and learning.

Macke Raymond, the presenter featured in the City Club video, spends quite a bit of time at the beginning of the presentation discussing student demographic data.  In her discussion, she refers to various subgroups, including, poverty, race, Special Education, and English Language Learners.

Why does she say that “demography” is important in this particular study? She also discusses social issues that impact students attending charter schools in Ohio at a significantly higher rate than their suburban peers.  These social issues make it difficult to isolate variables attributed to the schooling experience; requiring the study to utilize a growth model rather than an achievement model to measure educational impact.

Describe three of the social issues mentioned and explain how they interfere with teaching and learning.

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