Assignment Help-Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the theory you used to support your hypothesis based on the scientific evidence reported in the text or other source that does and does not support it.


Assignment Help-Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the theory you used to support your hypothesis based on the scientific evidence reported in the text or other source that does and does not support it.

Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the theory you used to support your hypothesis based on the scientific evidence reported in the text or other source that does and does not support it.

Describe the possible results of the experiment, survey or observation which you described above that would support the theory and hypothesis tested, as well as the possible results that would refute or fail to support the theory and hypothesis.

Describe the most important strengths and weaknesses of the experiment, survey, or observation you described above. Indicate what you can and cannot say with certainty about the truth of your hypothesis based on the results of your proposed experiment, survey, or observation.

Describe some of the possible ethical issues raised by the experiment, survey or observation which you described above, how these ethical problems might be reduced, and why these ethical risks are justified

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