Assignment Help-Describe  the effect that the presidential doctrine has had on regional or global  affairs since it was announced during the Cold War.

Assignment Help-Describe  the effect that the presidential doctrine has had on regional or global  affairs since it was announced during the Cold War.

Define  presidential doctrine and summarize the regional or global events  during the Cold War leading up to the formation of the presidential  doctrine you wrote about in Assignment 1.

Select  one country you wrote about in Assignment 1 and describe the Cold War  relationship that existed between the country you selected and the U.S.  before the presidential doctrine was announced.

Describe the relationship that currently exists between the U.S. and the country you selected in section (2) above.

Describe  the effect that the presidential doctrine has had on regional or global  affairs since it was announced during the Cold War.

Assess  whether the presidential doctrine you wrote about in Assignment 1 had  had the intended effect of altering the behavior of the country you  selected in section (2) above in the time since the doctrine was first  announce

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