Assignment Help-Could it be that the real culprit is that most American families want to climb the social ladder and have more possessions; therefore one income is often not enough to make that happen

Assignment Help-Could it be that the real culprit is that most American families want to climb the social ladder and have more possessions; therefore one income is often not enough to make that happen

A newspaper item reported that two-thirds of all mothers who work outside the home “do it for the money, not by choice.” Are those really the only alternatives?

Could it be that the real culprit is that most American families want to climb the social ladder and have more possessions; therefore one income is often not enough to make that happen?

Or maybe is it that divorce is so prevalent that women must work to cover her living expenses? Or that many mothers have never married?

Or is it that most mothers want a life outside of just being a “mommy?” Or is it a bit of everything. Explain your view on working mothers and the economics reasons behind them.

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